
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Things An Etsy Shop Owner Should Know

When I first opened my Etsy store years ago, it was much easier to sell my handmade jewelry. The site was younger and not yet international. It was easy to get buyers in the shop and often pieces would sell within days of being listed. Ah, the good old days! I did very well that first summer. That is until school started and I had to return to my teaching job. Etsy was put on the back burner while I worked and raised my son.

Now I’m retired and an “empty nester” and my store is my main priority. But things have changed mightily. Sales are slow and traffic is not moving in my direction. So, after long hours of research and reading, I think I have come across a few things Etsy shop owners should consider if, like me, they need help getting things moving.

First, you have to change the way you view Etsy. For the buyer, Etsy is an online shopping platform. For sellers, Etsy is something completely different. It’s a search engine. Buyers type in what they are looking for and much like other well-known search engines, algorithms are used to return a list of results. High on that list is where you want to be. Now, how do we get there considering the vast numbers of handmade jewelry shops we are competing with? By treating Etsy like a search engine and revising our listings to meet the somewhat murky requirements of the Etsy Search Engine.

First, really examine your listing. Start with the title. Your title should be filled with key words and SEO terms. I found a great keyword helper A keyword tool that suggests possible choices from your word. It’s free and lists hundreds of possible key words. The key words you choose should be

  • At the beginning of your title
  • Within the title
  • At the beginning of your description
  • Within the description 
  • In your list of tags (You MUST use all 13 tags)
Now obviously you can’t just list words. But these are the places where Etsy looks for key words. The key words are part of how Etsy chooses where you are in the search results. BLook at other stores that perform well in your area. What key terms are they using? Where are they placed? Yes, this is going to mean a lot of editing. New titles, new descriptions and new tags. But if you want to be listed on the top of the search results, it’s a must.

Second, fill out the “Attributes” section as completely as possible for every listing. Try not to just skip over one. For example, I chose “Birthday” for the “Occasion” tab for all my listings. It’s the most common reason people search for gifts. A holiday is the same date for everyone—like December 25th. That’s just one day. But it’s someone’s birthday everyday. Entering sizes is a must along with closure,  personalization and colors. Some buyers may only read your “Attributes” before making a decision to purchase the item. Therefore, fill out that section as if a sale depends on it; because it just might. 

Finally, after you’ve revised your listings and completed the “Attributes” for each one, pay attention to your statistics. I know shop owners who never view their stats page. That is a huge mistake as there is a lot of valuable information there. You will be able to see if your views are increasing after you’ve done the re-writes and “Attributes.”  If some listings are getting views but not others, compare them. See what’s similar and what’s different. You may have to re-write the title and description several times before you get it just right. 

Keep in mind Etsy is a large platform with thousands of sellers. Your category itself may have thousands of shops to compete with. But if you keep tweaking your listings, stay informed about what’s trending on Etsy and market your shop, those sales will come. Remember, think of Etsy as a search engine and that will help you stay focused on how to be found. 

May we all land on that first page of search results!


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Coming Soon! Just for Etsy Shop Owners

Are you like me, frustrated by a lack of sales on Etsy? I think I may have found a tool to help me get more views and traffic to my shop. While too soon to tell if this will really make a big difference, it is already showing me where I am going wrong and how to improve my listings. Be in the lookout because a blog post all about this “product” is coming soon!

Followers: The deadline for the “Item of Your Choice”  giveaway is fast approaching! The drawing of the winning name is August 1st!!!


Monday, July 23, 2018

Looking Forward to Fall/Winter 2018 Trends

To Everything There is a Season...Even Jewelry

It's getting to be that time again. School supplies have begun to appear on the shelves at Walgreens. Target's Back to School push is in full swing. The lazy days of summer will soon be over and fall will be in the air. For families everywhere, it's time to prepare for another school year.

For those of us in the handmade jewelry business, it's time to prepare for Fall/Winter 2018.  

That means researching what the trends in jewelry are anticipated to be, what colors will be hot this season and designing new pieces of jewelry with all of these things in mind. In an effort to avoid bombarding and boring you, this post will only introduce us to the colors we can expect to see.

The Pantone® Top 10 Color Palette for Fall/Winter 2018

The Pantone® color palettes have long been a great resource for me when designing my jewelry and they never disappoint. As they so eloquently describe on their website, this season's colors contain, "Autumnal hues that evoke the feeling of leaves on the forest floor, rich plumage and twilight reveal a modern fall palette of deep and rich tones with outbursts of colorful surprise." Doesn't that sound wonderful?

From "Valiant Poppy" to "Martini Olive," from "Limelight" to "Meerkat," this season's color palette is a beautiful one.

                                                    "Valiant Poppy"
                                                                "Martini Olive"
To see the other colors in the 2018 Fall/Winter Pantone® palette, here is the link:

Monday, July 16, 2018

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello and thanks for checking out my first attempt at blogging. What made me decide to start a blog about beading you ask? First, I love writing so blogging is going to be a joy simply because I’ll have an avenue for my writing. The second reason is a little more detailed.

Let me take you back to 2008...
*Barack Obama and John McCain were on the campaign trail.
*Brittney Spears was melting down and flashing peace signs in the back of an ambulance.
*Hollywood writers went on strike but even they couldn’t have imagined Eliot Spitzer’s fall from grace.
*Miley Cyrus grew up and her clothes went down.
*”Brangelina” had twins and...

After having made two beaded keychains for friends which lead to a few charm bracelets, Wonderland Jewelry opened on Etsy with a tiny inventory by a self-taught jewelry maker and designer ( case that wasn’t clear). Over time my skills improved. I bought A LOT of beads and really enjoyed making jewelry. However, after a while something would always come along that would cause me to lose focus and the Etsy shop to go dormant. Now, after a lot of stops and starts, I’m back with a passion. My inventory is growing and I’m always trying new techniques. I’ve started an Instagram page and am very fortunate to be gaining followers everyday!

Check them out! Etsy—
                            Instagram— Wonderland.Jewel

As I was reading tips in the Etsy Sellers Forum, I kept seeing the suggestion to start a blog. So after much planning here we are! I’m sure you’re wondering just how I plan on trying to keep you interested and subscribing with the blog market as big as it is. Here are just a few of the things my blog will contain:

*Naturally, I will post my jewelry with links to my shop. Doesn’t every bead blogger?
*I will share other jewelry artists and links to their shops. There are some amazingly creative artists out there.
*I will review online beadshops, websites for techniques, designs, and where to go for help running an online jewelry shop.
*Information about jewelry design contests.
*Information on arts and crafts fairs.
*Associations for those of us who represent ourselves as designers.
*Tips on color palette, sizing/lengths, trends, what to do with all those left over beads.
*Guest bloggers who will share their knowledge and expertise.
*Where you can sell online besides the Big 3–Etsy, Ebay and Amazon.
*Tips on photography cause we all could use a little help there.
*My experiences with my Etsy shop, Instagram, marketing, etc.
*Giveaways and other contests from me.

Yes, that is A LOT of stuff and yes, I’m really excited. I only need one thing to get the ball rolling and that’s YOU! I need followers. Please subscribe and spread the word to get others to subscribe. I promise you’ll get something out of my blog that you can use. It’s gonna be a fun ride so let’s go!
