
Monday, July 16, 2018

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello and thanks for checking out my first attempt at blogging. What made me decide to start a blog about beading you ask? First, I love writing so blogging is going to be a joy simply because I’ll have an avenue for my writing. The second reason is a little more detailed.

Let me take you back to 2008...
*Barack Obama and John McCain were on the campaign trail.
*Brittney Spears was melting down and flashing peace signs in the back of an ambulance.
*Hollywood writers went on strike but even they couldn’t have imagined Eliot Spitzer’s fall from grace.
*Miley Cyrus grew up and her clothes went down.
*”Brangelina” had twins and...

After having made two beaded keychains for friends which lead to a few charm bracelets, Wonderland Jewelry opened on Etsy with a tiny inventory by a self-taught jewelry maker and designer ( case that wasn’t clear). Over time my skills improved. I bought A LOT of beads and really enjoyed making jewelry. However, after a while something would always come along that would cause me to lose focus and the Etsy shop to go dormant. Now, after a lot of stops and starts, I’m back with a passion. My inventory is growing and I’m always trying new techniques. I’ve started an Instagram page and am very fortunate to be gaining followers everyday!

Check them out! Etsy—
                            Instagram— Wonderland.Jewel

As I was reading tips in the Etsy Sellers Forum, I kept seeing the suggestion to start a blog. So after much planning here we are! I’m sure you’re wondering just how I plan on trying to keep you interested and subscribing with the blog market as big as it is. Here are just a few of the things my blog will contain:

*Naturally, I will post my jewelry with links to my shop. Doesn’t every bead blogger?
*I will share other jewelry artists and links to their shops. There are some amazingly creative artists out there.
*I will review online beadshops, websites for techniques, designs, and where to go for help running an online jewelry shop.
*Information about jewelry design contests.
*Information on arts and crafts fairs.
*Associations for those of us who represent ourselves as designers.
*Tips on color palette, sizing/lengths, trends, what to do with all those left over beads.
*Guest bloggers who will share their knowledge and expertise.
*Where you can sell online besides the Big 3–Etsy, Ebay and Amazon.
*Tips on photography cause we all could use a little help there.
*My experiences with my Etsy shop, Instagram, marketing, etc.
*Giveaways and other contests from me.

Yes, that is A LOT of stuff and yes, I’m really excited. I only need one thing to get the ball rolling and that’s YOU! I need followers. Please subscribe and spread the word to get others to subscribe. I promise you’ll get something out of my blog that you can use. It’s gonna be a fun ride so let’s go!



  1. Looks and sounds great so far! I'm very happy for you!���� I have no idea where to start to set up a website.

    1. Thank you! I’d be glad to assist you in setting up and Etsy store or whatever I can help with you

  2. By the way, I checked out your etsy shop and you have gorgeous jewelry. I absolutely love it!

    1. Thank you for such a nice compliment about my shop and jewelry. I’m so happy you’ve subscribed!!

  3. Glad to subscribe to your blog, I look forward to your future content! You have an amazing etsy shop :)

  4. Great post, good luck with your blog

  5. Wow! Such kind words! You guys are really encouraging!
